Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Summer's Begun!

Hello all! It's definitely been a while since I've updated--sorry for that. Life has been insane! I've moved in with Bob and Matt Wright in Gas City--they're an amazing godly retired couple who invited me to come and stay with them. I have my own room and bathroom, which is pretty sweet!

I'm still working at the church along with doing odd jobs for Dr. Wilbur Williams. I'm keeping surprisingly VERY busy!

At the end of April we had our spring retreat--The Crucible. Here are some pics!

All the youth!

The best youth staff EVER! Also known as TEAM ZIPPER!

The red team... meet CRIMSON FOR CHRIST!

And the yellow team, the Crucible Champions, THE WARRIORS!

I have LOTS more pictures, but it takes forever to download, so I'll stop there. It was a great weekend to say the least! God did a lot in people's lives, plus it was just a LOT of fun! Life is going well since too. We had to say goodbye to the college student sponsors... which was hard... but God is good and morale is still up!