Thursday, March 02, 2006


The room is done!!! I spent about two hours this week prepping for the big day. Then I was at the church for eight hours yesterday, 6 of those without teens and the rest with them. Plus, I put in about an hour's worth of errands today. That adds up to... 11 hours.

Monster Church was a total success! Thanks SO MUCH to Charlie and everyone from Programming and Capstone who came out to help! And my volunteers--you all are amazing! I appreciate so much the time you've put into this project! The youth LOVED the room! The dynamic last night was absolutely incredible! SO, enough writing at this point--here are the pictures! (BTW, the stage is now painted black, but we didn't get to that til after service. Also, there are three other sets of coffee house tables and stools that aren't very visible in these pics. It's hard to get the full effect of the room in the pictures.)

Below is a pic of the youth as they walked in. They were in awe!

Above is a pic of us playing Pictionary! :) After the game we discussed what it "looks like" to be ALIVE in Christ, both as individuals and a youth group.

And there's a great pic of some of my teens in the new room! Praise God it happened, praise God it's done, and thank God for all the people who made it possible!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing Amber! So great, I'm glad that its all finally come full circle & it looks awesome. Know that my prayers for you and your ministry don't end simply because the room is done!!

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Amber, the room looks great! your youth are blessed to have their own place of worship. If I don't talk to you before you leave, have an awesome time in Israel, and take lots of pictures!

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, the room looks great!!
Praying for you.

4:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad things finally got worked out for you. The pics look great, and I was impressed walking into the room that night too. I hope God continues to use you and the gifts he's given you to expand His kingdom and i hope this room will be an aide in that. Have a great week!

~the Ottomobile

2:17 PM  

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